última carta de Grothendieck a Serre
Grothendieck to Serre, January 25, 1987 (Grothendieck’s last letter to Serre)
“My research is taking me farther and farther from what is generally considered as “scientific” work (not that I have the impression of any real “break” in the ardor and the spirit I put into my work)– and anyway, it would be entirely useless for me to tell you about it, even briefly. I will talk about it, however, for those who might be interested (if any…). I have taken the decision to retire next year (I will then be sixty), in order to feel freer to pursue my research in a direction which does not fit into any “discipline” of recognized usefulness to society and fundable as such, and in which I will be the only one to go. My interest in mathematics is not dead, but I doubt I will have the spare time to write up the few grand sketches I had still intended to write.”
Excerpts from the Grothendieck-Serre Correspondence: