Simone Weil

Simone Weil

Mystical literature is full of geometries.

Lines and figures that locate us with respect to the divine.

Centers of infinite circles.

Intersecting triangles.

Squares and crosses that divide space.

And being a reflection of the geometry of its time, they are Euclidean geometries.

But today, in the 21st century, we would need an update of the sacred geometries to make them non-Euclidean.

These are the geometries that made Albert Einstein's intuitions about gravity in the Universe a reality.

Who could have written them? I'd like to think that the brothers André and Simone Weil, in France at the beginning of the 20th century, would have done a good job.

Perhaps someone reading this is already working on non-Euclidean sacred geometry today.


Cosmological anchor #4

